Thursday, Feb 02, 2023
Check in at 8:00 am
Seminar 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Pleasanton Veterans Memorial Building
301 Main Street, Pleasanton, CA 9456
Will cover the significant changes to the California Codes. Classes are in person only and local Health Department guidelines will be followed.
0.6 CEU’s from an ICC Preferred Provider
Go to, select from the list of Upcoming Events, and click on “Register”. You will be directed to EventBrite. Enter registration information for attendees. You may choose to pay by credit
card or check. If by check, under Other Payment options, click “Show”, and mail check, payable to ICC Peninsula Chapter, to John LaTorra, Peninsula Chapter Treasurer, 237 Beresford Ave., Redwood City, CA. 94061 Questions? Please email John LaTorra at: